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Involvement in other clincial studies

The  Clincal Hub team at Aberystwyth University  is collaborating with other researchers to faciltiate novel avenues of clinical research


The MetaCan Project 

Funded by a Global Wales Grant and FAPESP of Brazil; the "Metacan" projects is linking Clinical Hub Researchers with collaborators in South America, especially the University of Sao Paulo State (UNESP) in Brazil. It is aiming to apply metabolomic approaches to inform the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in South America. 


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The Aber stroke group is investigating how stroke impacts mobility and design interventions that help meaningful recovery. It  research is highly interdisciplinary leveraging methods from Computer Science, Neuroscience, Biology, Human Biomechanics, Clinical Exercise Therapy and Psychology.  


Clinical Hub is aiding the stoke team in developing new ways to monitor improvements in stroke rehabilitation



Septic shock (sometimes called blood poisoning) is a life-threatening condition caused by severe infection. For reasons still poorly understood, in some patients, the inflammation in their system doesn’t reduce after an infection. This can lead to the failure of normal functioning of the body’s vital organs, such as the lungs, heart, brain and kidneys. 


The Clinical Hub team is aiding the describing the biochemicals effect of septic shock and  how beta-blockers could modifiy this. 


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